Movimiento, técnicas de intervención, valores y aprendizaje
II WORK AND SHARE WEEKEND "Let's build the playground"
JOIN US ON MAY 19th AND 20th TO THE WORK AND SHARE WEEKEND "Let's build the playground" AT DIVINO SALVADOR SCHOOL (Cortegana).
Sport security on news by Marta García Tascón
Marta García Tascón, from our research group team MOTIVA2 posted an article in "Mondo", the magazine, to show the progress about the anti-tip system of handball and futsal goals, which is explained in the page PROJECTS AND UNDERWAY ACTIVITIES of our website.
Interview Re-creating Project CEIP Divino Salvador
Interview space to analyse topics of interest for the local and region population. How is the project going?

I Debate about Professional Occupation for Sport Sciences Licensed
Are you sure about where is your professional career going? Do you know every option? Are you looking for a comfortable or a profitable workplace? Join us to the I Debate about Professional Occupation for Sport Sciences Licensed, runned by Marta García Tascón, a professor from UPO, and share your doubts and ideas about the different options related to Sport Sciences.
Thursday working day
It has been a really productive day due to the support of the foresting vocational education students and teachers (IES San José, Cortegana), the teachers of the school and the most important support from Domingo, to build the adventure tower and the educational area of fields.
Moreover, after lunch, a group of parents and school teachers got ready the drawing designs on the floor and other group built outdoor classrooms.
WORK AND SHARE WEEKEND "Let's build the playground"
JOIN US ON APRIL 21st AND 22nd TO THE WORK AND SHARE WEEKEND "Let's build the playground" AT DIVINO SALVADOR SCHOOL (Cortegana).
Do you want to take part of Re-creating? Do you want to take part of the implementation phase? Are you good painting or making crafts? Could you organise the event? If you think you could help, let's join us and enjoy a great weekend working with your children to make our ideal playground true.
Progressing on the implementation phase
Step by step, Recreando is going forward, working hard on the implementation phase.
We are glad to share with you the latest production: a low-highed balance area, made with wooden trunks and getting assistence from the foresting vocational education students and teacher (IES San José, Cortegana). Finally, we could set-up it together with the other elements in there.
The playground is changing toward our dreamt one, making real the project.
News about the implementation phase
The students of the Vocational Education about Foresty Works and Nature Preservation made new elements for the CEP Divino Salvador playground. They prepared farming aeras too, so they can take care of their own plants.
This week, took place in Segovia (Spain), the VI International Adventure Conference #IAC18, which main topic is the outdoor activities at different levels, from schools to outdoor turism as a leissure activity for the whole family, trying to know their benefits and how is it progressing in the latest years.
#climatesofchange has been it's title on this edition, aiming at starting a critical debate about economical, social, cultural, philosophical and physical changes related with adventure activities.

First sprout ups of the project
Today, it was possible to rescue a falled cork oak branch using a tow truck, carring it to the school, being one of the first trunk to transform the playground. They are steady, wellfitted on the ground being secure for kids to climb on them. Now, those trunks will be used by the school students to play and contribute on their personal and social abilities.

"Los grandes juegos"
"The great games" have a great learning potential. "The conquest of the Chinese wall" is a role game based on the famous computer game "The Age of Empires", which is about strategy and it's aim to conquer the enemy empire; getting resources to be invested on investigation, new technologies development , army, etc. In this case, it's an adapted version of the original one created by Manolo Parra, but it allows too, turning their mind from bloody competition to needed cooperation, creating the need of working together to get the objectives proposed at the begining.
From the Sport Science Faculty and the Sport and Computing Department of Pablo Olavide University, the professors Marta García Tascón, Julio Herrador Sánchez and David Blanco Luengo with the group AIGAD (Asociación Universitaria para la Innovación en la Gestión y Actividades Deportivas) have been working from years ago on the investigation of sport equipment security and the consciousness-raising and awareness about it.
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